There are no “one size fits all” nutrition or management strategies that work for every producer. Alltech Lienert has the capability and staff to provide a complete analysis of your production system, including:
- Optimised ration formulation
- Customised diets/millpacks/premixes
- Feed budgeting/forecasting/management
- Feeding programs and design
- Supplementary feeding programs
- Trial support
- On-Farm and Feedmill formulations
- Ingredient usage breakdown
- Alltech Lienert products
- Commodity/raw material sourcing and purchasing advice
- Ingredient availability and pricing
- Alltech additives
- Production management (e.g. boar exposure, matings, pregnancy testing, farrowing house, weaner and breeder management programs)
- Pig flow and system efficiency
- Animal health programs (vaccination)
- Metabolic disease management
- Seasonal management/housing
- Liaising with consulting vets for optimised production
- Assist in implementing on-farm protocols
- Cleaning and disinfection products and programs
- Feed testing and report analysis (particle size, mixability, feed wastage, protein, energy)
- Mycotoxin testing
- Analysis of production data (Elite Herd, Metafarms, PorciPig)
- Water quality testing and analysis
- Colostrum levels
- Blood testing
- Temperature and thermal camera readings
- Silo audits
- Feed audits
- Internal audits as part of APIQ
- Staff training (sow condition scoring, PCAI, vermin control, biosecurity, cleaning, gilt managment, training in all production areas)
- Feedmill ration formulation
- Workshop, conference and on farm presentations
Mycotoxin Management
Leaders in our field. Proven results in yours.
Safeguarding the health of your animals starts with the quality of your feed. Produced by moulds, mycotoxins affect animal performance and producer profitability in a number of ways. Effective mycotoxin management is about seeing the whole challenge. From the farm to the feed mill and from risk assessment to feed management, the Alltech Mycotoxin Management program helps safeguard the health of your animals, the quality of your feed and the security of our food supply.
What are mycotoxins?
Mycotoxins are natural substances produced by moulds and fungi. They are invisible, stable and toxic chemical compounds. Mycotoxins are common in the farm environment – surviving in many places and on many different types of feed sources. More than 500 different mycotoxins have been identified to date and most animal feedstuffs are likely to be contaminated with multiple mycotoxins. The growth of moulds, and mycotoxin production, are most encouraged by environmental conditions such as temperature (hot/cool) and moisture (wet/dry). However, mycotoxins can also be produced by moulds when other stress conditions occur to the host plant or the mould. Ever present in the farm environment and a potential threat to the productivity of even the best-run livestock production operations, mycotoxin contamination should now be on every feed producer and farmer’s radar.
Mycosorb® A+
Mycotoxin contaminated feedstuffs pose significant challenges to your herd’s health and performance. Containing both yeast and algae, Mycosorb A+ offers a broad-spectrum solution for mycotoxin management. Designed to help producers manage the risk of mycotoxins on animal health and performance, Mycosorb A+ also helps to support gut health and immune function within the animal.
Features of Mycosorb A+
Combining both yeast and algae, Mycosorb A+ tackles mycotoxins as a whole rather than just dealing with individual mycotoxin challenges.
- Proven efficacy at extrusion temperatures of up to 125 degrees Celsius.
- Stability over a wide pH range.
- Avoids interactions with other minerals and nutrients.
Know the mycotoxin risk: make the correct decisions for your business
The key to choosing the appropriate mycotoxin binding solution is to know the contamination profile of the ingredients or feeds you are using. Through both Alltech 37+ ® and Alltech RAPIREAD™, we ensure you are always equipped with the right information to make the most effective decisions to safeguard the health and productivity of your animals and ultimately the profitability of your business.
Alltech has mycotoxin testing options for your business – click below to find out more.

Mycosorb® A+ is suitable for use in: Dairy, beef, sheep, pig, poultry, equine, companion animals and aquaculture.
For more information, visit: Alternatively Contact Us or your local Alltech Lienert representative.