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Our team of Nutritionists have designed an intensive feedlotting range of products, blended using a carefully selected combination of vitamins and trace minerals which when added to grains, provides a balanced ration for feedlot cattle and dairy herd.

Super Dairy 60 is a concentrated loose mix blend of high quality vitamins, minerals and Monensin (200mg per 60g). In conjunction with modest grain feeding

Springer 200 is a loose mix blend of anionic salts, high quality vitamins, a blend of organic and inorganic minerals and Monensin, formulated to optimise

HP Dairy Premix is a carefully selected combination of vitamins and trace minerals especially formulated for the needs of high producing dairy cows. HP Dairy

Dairy 200 Pellet is a pelleted premix blend of buffers, macro minerals, high quality vitamins and a blend of organic and inorganic minerals, plus Monensin.

Dairy 150 Pellet is a pelleted premix blend of buffers, macro minerals, high quality vitamins, a blend of organic and inorganic minerals, plus Monensin. Dairy

Calf Premix is a high level vitamin and trace mineral supplement especially formulated to meet the needs of young growing calves. Calf Premix is presented

Is a vitamin and trace mineral premix for use in feed for sheep and lambs. The carefully selected combination of vitamins and trace minerals ensures

The carefully selected combination of vitamins and trace minerals provide for the needs of sheep housed for fine wool production and also for shedded stud

Is specially designed to provide a balanced supplement to grain and hay fed to stud sheep.  Formulated from ingredients that ensure a final feed mix

An economical supplement ideal for balancing grains used in sheep and lamb feeding, Prime Lamb Supplement + Bovatec® (Lasalocid) contains essential vitamins, trace minerals and macro