Get it right — every time.
Using a gentle mixing action to produce a consistent, thoroughly mixed feed, KEENAN MechFiber diet feeders are unique for the proven nutritional benefits they deliver.
Combined with InTouch nutrition support, you can rest assured that your animals will receive the correct ration every day, delivering significant improvements in herd health and animal performance.
Achieve more from your feed.

Discover how you can achieve up to 16 percent more milk per kilogram of feed.
Independent trials have consistently shown that the KEENAN mix retains the fibre structure to stimulate rumination, allowing for greater absorption of energy, maximised feed conversion efficiency and, ultimately, maximum herd performance.
Spend more time on the things that matter.
Backed by years of independent research, the KEENAN ration has been shown to deliver increased herd performance and reduced herd health issues, giving you more time to spend on the things that matter, safe in the knowledge your herd is being looked after.
Don’t leave their health to chance.
Are metabolic issues causing unnecessary challenges in your herd?
The KEENAN mix is proven to significantly reduce herd health issues such as milk fever, ketosis and retained membranes, not to mention a reduction in assisted calving by up to 53 percent.
Easily measure, monitor and manage feed efficiency.
Discover a unique nutritional solution that works for every farm.
Leveraging the latest in innovative feeding technologies, KEENAN and Alltech have the power to deliver a unique suite of nutritional expertise on-farm, enabling farmers to overcome production challenges in the most sustainable and profitable way.
Farming is changing; we are, too.
At KEENAN, we understand that farming is constantly changing.
As a company, we continue to innovate to meet the changing needs of modern agriculture, ensuring that you have the required feeding solutions to effectively manage your herd’s performance.