Our vision is to become leaders in ethical and profitable farming solutions. At the heart of this vision is to drive on-farm productivity and results through maximising feed efficiency. Our responsibility goes beyond the farm gate. We are aware of our role in the food value chain and committed to creating powerful partnerships and benefits throughout the wider food industry. These include delivering greater consistency for processors to producing better quality products for consumers.
We are constantly looking to bring new solutions to our customers and new thinking to our working practices. We actively encourage creativity, innovation and new ideas.
We are 100% focused on being a world class company in every aspect and developing leadership positions in all our markets. We encourage leadership skills at every level and benchmark only against the best in the world.

Donal Blackwell is our KEENAN Business Manager, based in Bendigo. He has been with the business in Australia since 2017, and previously worked with Alltech in a dairy business support role both here and in New Zealand. Donal comes from a dairy and beef background in Ireland and has worked with KEENAN worldwide since 2004 in nutrition support and machine sales.
KEENAN Business Manager
+61 (0) 408 377 304

Nelle Buchan is our KEENAN Co-ordinator based in Bendigo and has been with the business since 2017. Nelle has been the primary driver in reconnecting the KEENAN brand with customers over the last few years, as well as overseeing the parts and servicing aspect of the KEENAN business.
KEENAN Coordinator
+61 (0) 419 117 866

Kate Henne is our KEENAN Sales Representative based in North Eastern Victoria and has been with the business since October 2022. Coming from a beef breeding and feedlot unit in Central Victoria, Kate comes with both practical and technical experience in animal health and production. Since graduating with an Agricultural & Land Management degree, Kate has experience working within the farm advocacy sector, animal health and production sectors servicing ruminant and monogastric livestock systems. Today, Kate along with her partner run a commercial beef feedlot unit, putting theory into practice.
KEENAN Sales Representative
+61 (0) 418 173 707