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Tackling a green flush – Supplementation options for your stock

Recent rainfall events have caused a flush of green pasture across many parts of southern New South Wales. The nutritional profile of green feed can vary greatly, and can affect the supply of energy and protein, as well as the mineral supply, exposing stock to the risk of metabolic disorders such as Grass Tetany and […]

Blueprint Sheep Natural: The next step forward in high performing animal nutrition

Alltech Lienert Australia is an animal nutrition premix and supplement manufacturing company, with over 40 years’ experience. We provide customers with innovative, high-quality products and services, from feed formulation to the development of complete nutritional programs. Our team of qualified animal nutritionists design premixes and feed formulations tailored to meet customers’ specific requirements in a […]

Improving doe nutrition 4-6 weeks prior to kidding increases kid survival

cow in pasture

Gabby Brooke, Nutritionist, Alltech Lienert Australia Much of the fetal growth occurs during the last trimester of gestation, the 4-6 week period at the end of a doe’s pregnancy. During this time, does should be provided with a nutritional supplement which meets the increased nutrient demands and allow her to start producing adequate quality and […]

The importance of water quality for your livestock this summer season

The Bureau of Meteorology has forecast that most of the country is likely to be warmer than average this summer. Regardless of the forecast for El Nino, the months leading up to Summer are a good time to ensure that your livestock have an adequate water supply and the water quality is suitable for optimal […]

Lambs heading to the feedlot?

As producers shift their Autumn lambs into feedlots, the focus turns to producing a quality lamb meat product which meets market specifications, as efficiently as possible. Part of that efficiency results from using high quality and highly digestible feed ingredients in the feedlot. We have the results of a lamb feedlot trial, with 455 X-Bred […]

Emergency Animal Disease preparation to help keep businesses safe

With so many devastating pathogens on our doorstep, such as Foot and Mouth Disease, African Swine Fever, Avian Influenza and many others, it is vital businesses are prepared. This means not just knowing what to do in an outbreak, but also having the materials and products on hand and ready to go as soon as […]

Late Gestation and Early Lactation Nutrition Management

Late gestation and early lactation are critical times for our stock, both sheep and cattle. With energy demands increasing exponentially late in gestation, coinciding with reduced intake capacity and therefore requiring more nutrient dense feeds to meet demands. As well as the increased requirement for energy, stock mineral demand increases, both in late gestation and […]